Friday, February 25, 2011

9 Teknologi Transportasi Canggih Yang Unik dan Aneh

It is not easy to find an idea, even the best innovations that exist in this world comes from the ideas that are very silly, Thomas Edison's much abused by those around him before he discovered the light bulb.

Wright brothers' much ridiculed by the audience who watch their experiments for flight. It takes courage to change the mindset of the people. The following are innovative ideas from the inventors who may now look ridiculous.

1. Car Wheels Three

Discovery Bicycle Wheel 3 is a genius to keep children from falling from their bikes. But whether the same idea can be applied also in a car? Well, ever watch the movie Mr. Bean? must remember a bitter enemy, a Reliant Robin car type.

Do not need an engineer to assess, if the type of car is very unstable, especially in taking sharp turns. All expenses must be balanced against the front of the car by a wheel. Moreover, if the bend is made with high speed. In conclusion, people who are interested on the car must have a straight route to work everyday, and never in a hurry, even though his business emergency.

2. Sinclair C5

If that was more like again with bicycle wheels 3. Described themselves clearly in their website, "Sinclair C5, a marketing disaster.

The media called it a joke. Of the 12 thousand units Sinclair, largely exiled to foreign countries.

3. Toyota Personal Mobility Concepts

Toyota has developed and mastered the world automotive market, now intends to control the wheelchair market in the future.

i-unit, i-swing, and the last i-real, a product which according to Toyota itself does not have a turnover point.

Moreover, the size is consuming almost the size of a parking space for cars, a maximum speed of only 20 mph, and do not have any security system for the rider. Indeed the idea to develop a vehicle with an odd number of wheels is the subject of jokes.

4. One Wheeled Vehicles

This is the Audi Snook, a wheeled vehicle fitted with an engine. Mskipun only new concept, but this concept has received awards several times.

Although these vehicles can stand in balance when in a state of stop, you will not want to be in it when the wind suddenly blew. Let us imagine, there are two or more Snook which would collide with each other is ridiculous.

5. Railplanes (Train Fly)

This is actually a project that has been closed. But the idea itself is still evolving today. Basically flying train is a train fitted with a propeller on its tail. During the 1930s, the plane is the fastest vehicles and trains are the haulage vehicle with the most.

How to combine is the most ridiculous idea, because regardless of the principles of aerodynamics, a train that does not have the balance will fall apart when the propellers are used, not to mention security issues, the propellers of that in a land vehicle.

6. Legged Vehicle

Because of limited wheels that are only effective on a flat surface and with the intention of imitating the human foot working system that can run on any terrain, made project-legged vehicle.

Sponsored by the military, many-legged vehicle spent a lot of money and so far that can be made is "Walking Truck". a vehicle that is very difficult to control, not to mention the speed is very slow rate.

7. Nuclear Power Cars

Is the Ford Nucleon, which have concepts with nuclear power. Proposed by Ford in 1958, when the knowledge of nuclear effects is still very small.

Designed by placing the reactor in the rear and the passenger cabin at the front of the car a little further than usual to protect the rider from the radiation. Silly without realizing that in a collision from behind, there will be a nuclear explosion.

8. Fly Bus

Bus which is a mode of highway that can accommodate most passengers, have the disadvantage with the size that is too much eating places in the traffic lane.

Therefore, engineers in China to make a concept bus running at altitude, through various kinds of jam on the highway. The Chinese government is very serious in developing this, and even planned to operate in 2011 near this.

9. Flying Car

The idea would be a flying car since the first very popular. How not, a car that can fly will not find a traffic jam, police, or hawkers at intersections. But to make it happen is very sad.

So far, a flying car that was made up to get the award by Times magazine as the best invention 2010 is Terrafugia which is basically a plane with 4 wheels like a car.

Sure need a runway to fly. That is, a road panjaaaaang and smoothly without a hitch for Terrafugia to fly, and landed. So what's the difference with the plane flying dragonflies?


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