10. Puebloans Olmec

One of the first Mesoamerican people, Olmec inhabits the tropical lowlands in south-central Mexico. The first signs of Olmec about 1400 BC in the town of San Lorenzo, the main Olmec settlement that is supported by two other centers, Tenochtitlan and Potrero Nuevo.
Olmec civilization was the master builder with each main site contains court ceremonial, house mounds, pyramids and cones of the stone monuments, including colossal heads that make them are well known civilization.
Olmec civilization is very dependent on trade, both between regions of different Olmec and other Mesoamerican communities. Because they're one of the earliest Mesoamerican culture and the most advanced at that time, they are often regarded as the mother culture of many other Mesoamerican cultures.
Why is this Civilizations Disappear?
Around 400 BC the eastern half of the Olmec began uninhabited perhaps due to environmental changes. They may also evacuated after volcanic activity in the area. Another popular theory is that they were attacked, but no one knows who the occupiers are likely to invade the nation Olmec.
9. Puebloans Nabatean

The Nabatean is a Semitic culture that inhabited parts of Jordan, Canaan and Arabs from around the sixth century BC. They are most widely known as the builder of the city of Petra, which became the center of their city.
Petra is an impressive city carved from the cliff side with the crown jewel of the Khazneh, or treasure trove, a building massive Greek-inspired building.
Wealth Nabatean 'obtained by a complex network of trade centers, where they trade in ivory, silk, spices, precious metals, jewels, incense, sugar perfumes and medicines.
Because the extent of trade routes, Nabatean culture is strongly influenced by Hellenistic Greek, Roman, Arab and Assyrian. Unlike other societies of their time, there was no slavery in the Nabatean and every member of society contributes to the work tasks.
Why is this Civilizations Disappear?. During the fourth century, Petra was left Nabataen and nobody really knows why. Archaeological evidence proves that their exodus is one that is not organized in a hurry, which leads us to believe that they are not expelled from Petra by other cultures.
The most likely explanation is that when the trade routes they depended on the northern route they could no longer defend their civilization and leave Petra.
8. Aksumite Empire

Aksumite Empire began in the first century AD in what is now Ethiopia and believed to be the home of the Queen of Sheba.
Aksum is a major trade center with the export of ivory, agricultural resources and gold traded across the Red Sea trade network and further into the Roman Empire and east to India.
Therefore, Aksum is a very rich community and first African culture that issued its own currency, which in ancient times is a very important sign. The most famous monuments are the stelae of Aksum, a giant carved obelisks marking the tombs of kings and nobles.
Early Aksumites worship some god but their main god adlah Astar. In 324 AD, King Ezana II embrace Christianity, and since then Aksum is a culture of genuine Christian, and even the alleged home of the Ark of the Covenant.
Where did they go?
According to local legend, the Jewish Queen named Yodit beat Aksumite Empire and set fire to the church and literature.
However, others believe that the queen of the south of Bani al-Hamwiyah cause the disappearance of Aksumite culture. Other theories include climate change, isolation and decline of agricultural trade led to famine.
7. Mycenaeans

Growing from the Minoan civilization, Myceanaeans born around 1600 BC in southern Greece. spread across two islands and the mainland south, Myceaneans built and controlled many large cities such as Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Athens, Thebes, Orchomenus, Iolkos and Knossos.
Many Greek myths centered around Mycenae including the legend of King Agamemnon, who led the Greek army during the Trojan War. The Myceaneans is the dominant sea power, and with their naval prowess to trade and for the military.
Due to the lack of natural resources, Myceaneans many importing goods and turn them into sellable items, and therefore became an expert craftsman, known around the Aegean for weapons and jewelry that they produce
Why is this Civilizations Disappear?. No one knows for sure, but one theory is that the unrest among the peasant class and the ruling class led to the end Myceaneans. Other reasons presumably because of disruption in trade routes, or natural factors such as earthquakes.
But the most popular theory is that they were attacked by a civilization from the north such as the Dorians (who settled in the area after the fall of Myceaneans) or Man of the Sea (which was then migrated from the Balkans to the Middle East.)
6. Khmer Empire

Kingdom of Khmer empire grew from the now Chenla Cambodia around the 9th century AD and became one of the most powerful kingdom in Southeast Asia. This kingdom is known as most people who built the Angkor civilization, located in the capital of Cambodia.
Khmer culture is very strong and rich open to some system of beliefs including Hinduism, Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism, as the official religion of the empire. Their power also included a strong military because of their many fought against Annamese and Chams.
Why is this Civilizations Disappear?
The decline of the Khmer Empire can be attributed to a combination of several factors. The first is that the kingdom was ruled by a king or a god devarajo, but with the introduction of Theravada Buddhism, which teaches self-enlightenment, making the government challenged
This causes a lack of desire to work for devarajo that affect the amount of food produced. During the reign of Jayavarman VII, a complex road network was built to facilitate transportation of goods and troops throughout the Empire.
But some experts believe that these roads become a boomerang for them, making it easier for occupiers such as Ayuthaya to gain direct access Attacking Angkor.
5. Culture-Trypillian Cucuteni

In Romania they are Cucuteni, in Ukraine they are Trypillians and in Russia they are Tripolie: late Neolithic culture that developed between 5500 BC and 2750 BC.
At their height, the community-Trypillian Cucuteni build the largest Neolithic settlements in Europe, with some housing up to 15,000 people. One of the biggest mysteries of this culture is that every 60 to 80 years they will burn the entire village and reconstruct everything.
Culture Cucuteni-Typillian is matriarchal, female heads of households and also did farm work and make pottery, textiles and clothing. Brother is a hunter, a tool maker and is responsible for caring for pets.
their religion centered around the Great Mother Goddess which is the symbol of mother and agricultural fertility. They also worshiped the bull (strength, fertility and sky) and Snake (eternity and eternal motion)
Why is this Civilizations Disappear?. One of the main theories about the end-Trypillian Cucuteni culture is the Kurgan hypothesis, which states that they were conquered by the warlike Kurgan culture.
However, more recent archaeological discoveries this is due to the dramatic climate changes that could lead to drought-the worst in European history is very influential to the culture that relies heavily on agriculture.
4. Clovis

A Culture of prehistoric Native Americans, Clovis culture existed since 10,000 BC. Based in southern and central plains of North America they are, recognized archaeological discovery is of crushed stone called Clovis points.
They use it on the cutting edge to hunt large animals like mammoths and bison and small animals such as deer and rabbits. Clovis people were the first people in the New World and is regarded as the ancestor of all North American native culture.
Many experts believe that they crossed the Beringia land bridge from Siberia to Alaska during the ice age and then head south to go to a warmer climate.
Why is this Civilizations Disappear?
There are several theories surrounding the loss of Clovis culture. The first states that the decline in megafauna along with less mobility in their culture to bring divisions that form new cultural groups, such as the Folsom culture.
Another theory is that the mammoth and other species become extinct because of excessive hunting, leaving Clovis without adequate food source.
The theory last ranges because a comet that fell to earth in the area around the Great Lakes and significantly affect the Clovis culture.
3. Minoans

Named by the legendary King Minos, the Minoans inhabited what is now concrete since 3000-1000 BC. In Greek mythology, Minoa is a land of bull of Crete and his son, whose body mythical creature half-man half-bull, who lived in the labyrinth and kill anyone who entered.
In fact, the Minoans were the first known civilization in Europe. Today all that remains of the Minoan civilization is their castle and artefak2. Minoan civilization was one of social organization, art and commerce.
Early Minoans used a language that we call Linear A, which during the period and then replaced by a Linear B, which is based on pictographs. There is no evidence of any military culture that is found in Minoan palaces and their strength is apparently purely economic forces.
Although the Minoans fell, their culture inherited by Myceaneans and then forwarded by the Hellenistic Greeks.
Where did they go?
Many experts believe that the Minoans civilization disappeared by the volcanic eruption on the island of Thera (now Santorini), but there is evidence that they survived.
However, the explosion will kill all plant life that lead to hunger, and their ship is damaged causing the economic downturn. Another thing that is also believed that they were attacked, possibly by Myceaneans.
2. Anasazi Civilization

Anasazi or Ancestral Puebloans is Native American culture that emerged in the 4 corners of the United States (New Mexico, Arizona, Colordo, and Utah) about 1200 BC.
Population Puebloans early hunters and gatherers WHO were the resource persons living in homes They develop Horticulture shallow. Then the hole and began farming corn, beans and green beans.
Also found in Anasazi archaeological site is green pottery, woven baskets with intricate, reed slippers, rabbit fur robe, grinding stones and bows and arrows.
In the Pueblo II and III era Anasazi carved into the entire city out of a nearby cliff as in Mesa Verde and Bandelier or they build it on the surface of the stone is also on the surface of the bricks, called Chaco Canyon.
This city is a center of culture and the people who connect with one another through hundreds of miles of highway.
Where did they go?
Around 1300 AD the cliff Ancestral Puebloans left home and began to move. Many experts believe that, after the explosion of population growth, poor farming methods, a regional drought makes it difficult to produce enough food.
Because of a lack of food, Anasazi moved along the Rio Grande or on the Hopi mesa, and so many nations of modern Pueblo Indians believe they are descendants of the Anasazi civilization.
Recent research proves that climate change can not explain the decline of the Anasazi themselves and show that social factors such as conflict and political violence led to the end of their civilization.
1. Indus Valley Civilization

After living in an area about the size of western Europe in what is now Pakistan and western India, the Indus Valley or Harappan Civilization developed 3300-1300 BC, the area was inhabited since 7000 BC. Despite being one of the greatest ancient civilizations, not much is known about the Harappan civilization, mainly because their language can not be translated.
We know that they build more than a hundred towns and villages including the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, each built with an organized layout, and piping systems complex with indoor toilets.
Evidence suggests that Harappa have unity government and that no social class. There is also no evidence of military activity so it is likely that they live in peace.
They were expert astronomers and experienced in agriculture, wheat, barley, peas, melons, sesame and cotton (be the first civilization that produced cotton cloth) and keep some animals including cows and elephants.
Why is this Civilizations Disappear?
There are several theories about what happened to the Indus Valley civilization. Some people believe that they can not accept changes to their environment, such as decreasing the size of river Ghaggar Hakra or temperatures become cold, dry temperatures that also occur throughout the Middle East. Another popular theory is that they stormed the Aryans around 1500 BC.
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