This yellow fruit called Buddha's hand fruit because the fruit is divided into finger-like hand. The fruit is found in Asia. Buddha's hand fruit has a thick skin and little meat. The fruit is used by Japan and China to fragrances room because this fruit has an odor like strong citrus smell, in Western cuisine, the fruit is very beharga.
2. Horned Melon (Kiwano)

This fruit has many names: kiwano, horned melon, horned cucumber, pumpkin protected, melon jelly. This native of Africa, but also grown in California, Chile, Australia and New Zealand. In California, this fruit is widely known as the fruit of Blowfish. Although edible, kiwano widely used as food decoration.
3. Starfruits (starfruit)

Carambola is a native fruit from Southeast Asia, but can grow in tropical places around the world. Its name comes from the unusual shape when sliced like a five-point star. The fruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C and low in sugar, sodium and acid.
4. Dragon Fruit (dragon fruit)

Dragon Fruit is a kind of cactus fruit. In different countries in Asia have different names, among others: dragon fruit, dragon pearl fruit, and strawberry pear. The fruit is similar to a kiwi, because of the black seeds can be eaten raw and refreshing sour taste of this fruit, but should not be mixed with food that tastes strong.
5. Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia)

This strange-looking fruit from Southeast Asia, like most of the strange fruits that are on this list. Fruit It has several names, such as: Indian mulberry, beach mulberry, cheese fruit, dogs dumplings, pace, etc.. Although not accepted by conventional medicine, the noni fruit used in traditional medicine to treat cramps, menstrual irregularity intestinal and urinary tract infections.
6. Monstera deliciosa

The monstereo, windowleaf, Mexican breadfruit, Swiss cheese plant, ceriman, fruit salad plant, fruit monster, or whatever his name is most commonly known as monstera deliciosa. This wine is a native plant from Mexico and Panama. The tree can grow to 20 meters. The fruit is sized up to 25 cm, looks like a green ear. The fruit is used to treat arthritis or snake bites.
7. Durian

"The King of Fruits," as known in Southeast Asia, which is famous for spiny skin and very large size. That smells evoke different reactions: from a sense of awe to the disgusting. Those who do not like to say that it smells like rotten onions or socks. However, the taste is more appreciated. There are 30 types of durian, but only about a third of them are eaten.
8. Bottle Gourd (bottle gourd)

The fruit is known as bottle gourd, but also as opo, pumpkins, squash or melons long. This fruit can be harvested while still young and used as a vegetable or harvested mature, can also be used as a bottle, utensil, or pipe. Bottle gourd grows in tropical regions around the world. So the fruit is part of many national cuisines and is also used in various cuisines household.
9. Yangmei

Yangmei is native to Southeast Asia, especially China. This tree is widely used as an ornament in parks and gardens. Outstanding fruit has a beautiful red color and sweet taste sour. There in the middle of seeds, with a diameter of half of the fruit.
10. Dulse

Dulse grows on the north coast of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The fruit is rich in minerals, vitamins and high protein. Grow attached to rocks in Ireland, Iceland and Atlantic Canada. Has large leaves, red roses to purple red. Strange but true, can be eaten directly from the rock where he grew up. In Iceland, people eat them with butter, but also can be used in sandwiches, soups, pizza, etc..
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