Misguided often happens when people called anaconda, anaconda snake species is not a name but it is another name of the genus Eunectes.
Anaconda although he did not have a big can, they kill their victims with twisted and punched the victim until the end of complications between shortness of breath and high blood pressure that led to the rupture of blood vessels (rupture., jd remember bloodseeker)
This snake umumny solitary with large territories. FYI: In the movie Anaconda: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid which takes place in Indonesia that is not the Anaconda, but the snake killer to 6 us.
Scaled Saw Viper

Saw scaled viper (Echis carinatus) distribution includes Africa, the Middle East, to India.
Although he is quite small, but in this case it includes ratings ke9.hal killing was due to several factors namely the snake is very aggressive and capable of injecting 80% of his property without hesitation ² may, in contrast to other venomous snake venom as a backup store. The above two factors cause the snake is able to cause considerable death
FYI: The characteristics of this snake is that he make a sound by rubbing their skin so that it reads, in contrast to wiggle its tail which rattle snake

The most famous of its kind is the Western Diamondback rattlesnake,
This snake can grow to a weight of 34 pounds (15.4 kg) with 6feet long (1.8m) and have a canine along 1 / 2 inches (1.3cm)
rattle snake generally nocturnal (active at night) so as to facilitate the hunt food animals are equipped with sensory organs of heat (thermal image) which can track the heat signal from the other animals ..
The venom of rattle snake is generally classified in the type hemotoxic where these toxins are able to damage the muscle and other tissues in the death of a distinguished berucung
FYI: rattle snake into the U.S. d popular food in the south and has the texture of meat like chicken ..
Death Adder
Characteristic of the death adder is similar to the viper in umumny that people are often mistaken, the hallmark of the death adder is that they have a tail which is used to lure prey because of similar worms
Content of the Death adder venom in a can like a cocktail between hemotoxin, neurotoxin, and myotoxin (viewed from namany means toxic blood, nerves, and muscles .. wuihh)
Penyebaranny from Australia to Indonesia (especially Papua)
FYI: Death adder is one of the character creation marvel supervillain.

This snake along Anacoda is the world's largest snake ever achieved with a length is 33 ft or about 10 meters (wtf??! * red) and d-been found in Indonesia (Sumatra) along the 22 ft or about nearly 7 meters
How to kill the same job with the Anaconda .. but it has advantages compared anaconda dy dy ie more aggressive and move faster than the anaconda
Penyebaranny area located on SE Asia, from Vietnam to Indonesia
FYI: Snakes can kill humans and swallow are round like the case of children who swallowed snakes recently

This snake has a mixture of neurotoxins, myotoxin, and coagulant in bisany so that victims will feel shortness of breath and swelling of the bitten body part
The largest population of this snake is only found in Australia (* ed HHE)
FYI: Chappell Island tiger snake is the most venomous species than the species lainny Tiger Snake, found on Chappell Island

Embossed effect after the bite like this "The most Important symptoms are rhabdomyolysis (rapid breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue) and paralysis. Early symptoms include headache, a thick-feeling tongue, Thirst, sweating, and vomiting. Symptoms That cans occur after 30 minutes to installments hours post-bite include generalized aching, stiffness, and tenderness of muscles all over the body. Passive stretching of the muscles is Also painful, and trismus, the which is similar to tetanus is common.
This is followed later on by symptoms typical of other elapid envenomations: a progressive flaccid paralysis, starting with ptosis and paralysis of voluntary muscles. Paralysis of muscles involved in swallowing and respiration cans be fatal. After 3-8 hours, myoglobin as a result of muscle breakdown May start to show up in. the blood plasma, the which cans cause the urine to turn a dark reddish, brown, or black color, and eventually lead to acute renal failure. After 6 to 12 hours, severe hyperkalemia, Also the result of muscle breakdown, can lead to cardiac arrest . wow ..
With one bite racunny enough to kill 60 people ..
The endemic area covers indopasifik, which is about Australia and South East Asia
FYI: The attack happened umumny occur sea d, because the snake is moving very slow d land!
Black Mamba

In contrast to the above sea snakes, mambas is the fastest land snake. This snake gets a nickname as the shadow of death. Kecepatanny can reach 40mph, and very aggressive in defending its territory
Toxins from snake venom cytotoxin belonging mambas (cell poisons) wow ..
And can cause 100% mortality if not helped in time skitar 15 minutes to 3 hours
FYI: Black mambas can be recognized with a distinguished black mouth
Taipan is the world's most venomous snakes, poison consists of Taicatoxin "highly neurotoxin" And even more dangerous than the young Taipan Taipan Taipan young adults because bisany injecting all in one bite.,
Penyebaranny found in Australia and surrounding regions, including Papua (S. canni) .. wahhh damn! HHE ..
FYI: One bite can generate a distinguished tycoon able to kill 125 people
King Cobras

King Cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world., A snake is able to produce 16sendok tea in one bite. And King Cobras kill 10,000 people each year.
Racunny consists of neurotoxic., Which makes it deadly is the amount of poison
FYI: King cobra is a snake cannibal who ate other snakes!
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